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What Are The Basic Requirements Of Creating A Desktop Application Using Python

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Is it possible to create a desktop application using python? The answer is yes. While there are many libraries available in python through which you can create a desktop app, Tkinter is the easiest one to use. Hence, if you are just starting out, it is recommended that you use Tkinter. So before you start creating an app, you will need to have knowledge of a few basic things, which include Python itself, object-based programming, and the fundamental basics of the Tkinter library. Tkinter is a Graphical User Interface or GUI library available in Python, through which the user can easily come up with ways to create desktop apps quickly and easily.

So gear yourself up and keep reading, as in this article we will share with you all the basic pre-requirements of creating an app using python!

  1. A Basic Knowledge of Python –

In order to create a desktop application using python, you will first need to have a basic knowledge of python itself. It is important to have so, since creating an app using Tkinter is basically the next level of knowing how to use python fluently, so that you do not feel lost while starting to design the app. If you feel that you are not well-versed with the basic ways of using python, then it is preferred that you take an online course and learn from expert educators, or go through a few basic tutorials. If you feel that you are fluent with the basics of Python, then you can move on to the next step!

  1. Get Your Hands Set On The Object-Oriented Programming –

Apps that are solely meant for desktops are mainly based on some object, thus it is important to have a thorough and fluent knowledge of the object-oriented concepts in Python if you are trying to create a desktop app. Before creating the app, you must learn what are the different classes, methods, objects, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance, and so on, along with knowledge on how they function.   

However, if you are not well-versed in the things that we listed out, you need not worry! You will find many different online courses that will provide you with thorough training on both python and object-oriented programming. Once you are fully equipped, you are ready to move on to the next step!

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  1. Know About The Fundamentals of Tkinter –

Once you are sure that you have good knowledge of the above-mentioned topics, next you can move on to Tkinter. Tkinter is a pretty simple library, and beginners can easily get a proper understanding of how it works. One of the best things about Tkinter is that you do not have to install anything extra to start using it. If you already have Python IDLE installed in your system, that will do as well. Tkinter comes equipped with a built-in Python IDLE.

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Final Word

Creating apps for your desktop is quite easy once you know the rest works. Thank you for reading!

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