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What do Deepfakes have to do with anything? Are they a danger to national security?

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Using deepfakes, you can trick people into thinking someone did or said something they didn’t.

Deepfakes are often associated with disinformation, and using them to impersonate politicians or celebrities might jeopardise people’s reputations as well as the country’s political stability.

Even while deepfake technology is relatively new, it isn’t smart enough to fool the public on a widespread basis. The technology’s potential has been shown, though, in several convincing deepfake footage of Barack Obama and Mark Zuckerberg.

In the meanwhile, deepfakes are a growing cybersecurity threat that companies must prepare for as technology develops.

You should be concerned about deepfakes for the following reasons. 

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How are deepfakes able to jeopardise safety?

To mislead their victims into handing over personal information, account passwords, or money, cybercriminals may utilise deepfakes.

It has always been the foundation of social engineering assaults such as phishing to impersonate a trusted organisation, a company’s supplier, or even the target’s boss (in the case of corporate email compromise) (CEO fraud).

This impersonation is often carried out through email. Bad actors, on the other hand, may use a variety of methods to spread their mischief thanks to deepfakes.

Consider that your manager has sent you an urgent wire transfer request through email. You’re halfway through reading the email when your phone starts ringing. It sounds just like your employers’ voice when you pick it up. They confirm that the email is real. They also urge that you provide them the money as soon as possible. 

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What are your thoughts?

Conclusion: New means of impersonating individual persons are added by deepfake creation, using the confidence of workers.

Deepfakes that people have fallen for

Insurance firm Euler Hermes announced the first documented deepfake assault in March of this year (which covered the cost of the incident).

Initially, the hoax began when the CEO of a U.K. energy business received a phone call from his boss, the head of the firm’s German parent company. He heard his boss’s voice telling him to transfer $243,000 to a Hungarian supplier’s account, according to Euler Hermes. The voice had the precise tonality, intonation, and mild German accent, according to Euler Hermes. The CEO of the energy company complied with the request, only to discover later that he had been duped. Experts at the insurance company’s fraud unit think this was a case of AI-driven deepfake phishing. An effort to phish an American IT corporation has been foiled, according to Motherboard in July 2020. Even more worrisome, a Recorded Future research from April 2021 discovered indications that cybercriminals are increasingly seeking to employ deepfake technology. According to the findings, people are discussing social engineering, fraud, and extortion using deepfakes on dark web forums and messaging services like Discord and Telegram. There have been three incidences of deepfake phishing reported by Consultancy Technologent’s customers in 2020, as new patterns of remote working put workers at increased danger of becoming victims of the scam.

Is deepfake technology, on the other hand, that effective?

The deepfake technology is becoming better and better all the time.

Nina Schick, a security expert and author of Deepfakes: The Coming Infopocalypse, discusses how recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have lowered the time and data needed to create a convincing fake audio or video clip. “This is not a new danger,” she says. I can feel it. Now.”

Deepfakes are getting simpler to build, which is worrisome.

With “simple interfaces and off-device processing” that need no specific expertise or computational capacity, Deepfake specialist Henry Ajder says the technology is becoming “increasingly democratised.”

The CEO of security company FireEye, Philip Tully, warned last year that non-experts could already use AI capabilities to modify audio and video footage with ease.

A tsunami of deepfake-driven fraud and cyberattacks, according to Tully, is brewing, and firms are in the quiet before the storm.

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